Behind the Canvas
My art combines the vibrancy and colour of where I grew up, and the inner and outer journeys taken since I left. Artists like Matisse, Monet, Modigliani, Boghossian and Schiele capture my imagination and have influenced my art in different ways.
I approach art with curiosity and continue to evolve my techniques and ideas using acrylic, pastels, ink, oil and spray paints, not ascribing to any particular style but following where my inspirations take me.
Art is for me an expression of my inner life and what I see in the world that may be difficult to articulate in words. Things that draw deep emotions, a reminder of the transient nature of our world, but also pleasant, soothing and present.
The outer journeys that I have made to various places and the daily life in Hastings where I now live also inspire my work in many ways.
"Art must continue to evolve to be relevant and evocative"